Privacy Policy


Bulk Handling Australia Group Pty Ltd (“Bulk Handling Australia”) acknowledges and respects the privacy of individuals by treating all personal information as confidential and by handling it in accordance with the Privacy Act 2001 (Cth) and the National Privacy Principles.

During the course of dealing with users via Bulk Handling Australia’s website (“site”), Bulk Handling Australia will collect, use and store personal information received from users visiting the site, using materials on the site, and completing an information request form on the site.

Collection, Use & Disclosure

The personal information that Bulk Handling Australia may collect is personal information about you, such as your name, address, and contact details. Such information is collected when you complete an information request form on the site.

This information will be used to respond to your information request form.

The information provided by you will be disclosed within Bulk Handling Australia, its related bodies corporate (as that term is defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)) and to third parties who have been retained to assist Bulk Handling Australia in marketing and promotional campaigns, fulfilment of orders and the delivery of products. The information will not be disclosed to others without your permission.

In any direct marketing or advertising campaigns, Bulk Handling Australia will give you the opportunity to elect not to receive any further marketing communications.

In addition to dealing with you via the site, Bulk Handling Australia may also request other specific information from you relating to any products or services that you wish to obtain. The provision of this information by you is voluntary but if you do not provide some or all of the requested information, Bulk Handling Australia may be unable to properly process your enquiry or otherwise fulfil the purpose for which the information has been requested.


Bulk Handling Australia may use cookies to collect information from you. Cookies identify a particular computer to Bulk Handling Australia’s server. Bulk Handling Australia may use the information collected in this way to provide the user of that computer with a personalised experience of the site. Your browser may allow you to disable cookies. If you do this, your experience of the site will not be personalised.

Security of your Information

Bulk Handling Australia uses industry-standard safeguards to ensure the confidentiality of your personal information. Bulk Handling Australia does not “data mine” from any of the information provided by you or contained on the website.

Changes to our Policy

Bulk Handling Australia’s handling of any information it collects from you (including information previously collected) will be governed by the most current version of this policy. Please check this policy regularly.

Access & Correction

You have the right to access the personal information Bulk Handling Australia holds about you and to ask Bulk Handling Australia to correct such information if it is inaccurate or out of date. If your information changes, please contact Bulk Handling Australia and we will endeavour to update and correct the information. Bulk Handling Australia may also contact you from time to time to check that your information is still accurate. Please address your query to Bulk Handling Australia at Bulk Handling Australia will endeavour to deal with your request or inquiry as soon as is reasonably possible.

© Bulk Handling Australia – January 2010

Contact Us

If you would like any further information or have any queries, problems or complaints relating to this Privacy Policy or our information handling practices, please contact Bulk Handling Australia on (03) 9761 4433.

© Bulk Handling Australia – January 2010